Here’s all you need for a great visit to Islay.

Discover where to stay; search availability or browse our excellent accommodation. Find out how to get here, with useful travel details. See what to do, from exploring whisky distilleries to sublime walks. Learn more about Islay and its history. Welcome to our special island.

Quick guides

An Grianan Islay 65 Storm-Pods The Islay Hotel Braeside Spirited Soaps Ballivicar Farm Ballygrant Inn Coillabus Eco Dwellings Glenegedale House Islay Holidays Bowmore Hotel

This site was founded by Ron Steenvoorden in 2003 and gradually became a very popular online destination for folk visiting the Isle of Islay. In 2021 Islay Development Initiative became the new owner. Ron now runs the Islay dot Scot website where he sells his beautiful Islay Photo Prints.